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Two New Journals You Should Know About

The first is ASYMPTOTE, which I can tell you now has an incredible lineup for its forthcoming first issue. As there’s still time to submit, you should know the journal is:

interested in encounters between languages and the consequences of these encounters. Though a translation may never fully replicate the original in effect (thus our name, “asymptote”: the dotted line on a graph that a mathematical function may tend towards but never reach), it is in itself an act of creation.

Guidelines, here. (Thanks, Yew Leong Lee for sharing the news with us!)

And the second is COUNTRY MUSIC, which wants:


that improve the culture

of which you are a part

Issue One includes Clay Matthews, Lucy Biederman, Matt Hart, Samuel Day Wharton, Peter Davis, Amber Nelson, Jim Goar, Jackie Clark, and Denis Johnson. Read it here. (Thanks, Jacqueline Kari for telling us about it.)

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