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Fare Thee Well


A piece by Shary Boyle goes on her own journey

I’m writing with my regrets that I’ll be taking my leave from Big Other.  I was a peripheral character at most, but I need to take some time to focus on some other priorities in my life.

I’ll still be commenting and trying to keep up with the book club schedule, but not initiating any conversations.

And because I have a habit of finding threads of commonality suddenly making themselves bold to me, I present to you some quotes about letting yourself not know where you’re going.  Suddenly it seems like everyone is thinking about that:

“To follow a wandering mind means having to get lost.  Can you stand being lost?” – Lynda Barry

“Strange though this may sound, not knowing where one is going, being lost, being a loser, reveals the greatest possible faith and optimism, as against collective security and collective significance.  To believe, one must have lost God; to paint, one must have lost art.” – Gerhard Richter (recently posted by Blake Butler at HTMLGiant, but it fit into my preoccupation)

“There is a finished feeling/ Experienced at Graves-/ A leisure of the Future-” Emily Dickinson (This sounds dark, but I’m just thinking about moving on from endings.)

“…got really out of my shell a bit with worried ideas.” – Travis Nichols

“Think you’re escaping and run into yourself.” – James Joyce

“we were considering all of this ahead of us/ staring into the next step not turning our heads we considered everything/ and tossed it over our shoulders like salt” – Matvei Yankelevich

It’s been a pleasure.

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