- Birthday, Politics, Quotes

“The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”


Happy birthday, Che Guevara! Here some quotes from the revolutionary.

“I have lived magnificent days.”

“If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”

“I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. It exists when people liberate themselves.”

“Silence is argument carried out by other means.”

“Cruel leaders are replaced only to have new leaders turn cruel!”

“The life of a single human being is worth a million times more than all the property of the richest man on earth.”

“Our enemy, and the enemy of all America, is the monopolistic government of the United States of America.”

“Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and managed by rich landowners and professional politicians.”

“Those who kill their own children and discriminate daily against them because of the color of their skin; those who let the murderers of blacks remain free, protecting them, and furthermore punishing the black population because they demand their legitimate rights as free people—how can those who do this consider themselves guardians of freedom? The government of the United States is not the champion of freedom, but rather the perpetrator of exploitation and oppression against the peoples of the world and against a large part of its own population.”

“Ever since monopoly capital took over the world, it has kept the greater part of humanity in poverty, dividing all the profits among the group of the most powerful countries. The standard of living in those countries is based on the extreme poverty of our countries. To raise the living standards of the underdeveloped nations, therefore, we must fight against imperialism. And each time a country is torn away from the imperialist tree, it is not only a partial battle won against the main enemy but it also contributes to the real weakening of that enemy, and is one more step toward the final victory.”

“The myth of the self-made man, has to be profoundly hypocritical: it is the self-serving demonstration that a lie is the truth.”

“At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love. It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality […] We must strive every day so that this love of living humanity will be transformed into actual deeds, into acts that serve as examples, as a moving force.”

“Above all, try always to be able to feel deeply any injustice committed against any person in any part of the world. It is the most beautiful quality of a revolutionary.”

“Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people’s unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America.”


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