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One Hour of Television, by Kristina Born

One Hour of Television

From Shane Jones:

Me and Blake Butler are really excited about our first title, ONE HOUR OF TELEVISION by Kristina Born, being published by our new indie press experiment YEAR OF THE LIQUIDATOR. We’re so excited that we want you to get excited about it and help us get the word out. It helps that the book is fantastic. We just received this blurb from Lara Glenum yesterday:

“To read One Hour of Television is to flip channels between a 50’s science film on the joys of nuclear prowess and a heist-driven road movie set in a late-imperialist apocalypse. In Born’s hands, all social code is a recipe for deadpan horror. Strained domestic tableaus are intimately wedded to carpet bombings and crowd control, and our best chances at intimacy arrive via gruesome medical emergencies. This book is in revolt against language as an anesthesia machine. It’s in revolt against an empire in which any vote you cast necessarily ends up as a vote for genocide.”

So, keeping this somewhat informal, anyone who is interested in reviewing the book or interviewing Kristina (even something really small and laid back on your blog would be great) email me directly and we’ll hook you up with Kristina’s email and an advance PDF readers copy. And if you’re interested in interviewing me and Blake about this little project, we’d be more than happy to.

Thanks everyone for reading this and hope to hear from you soon,


Editor’s Note:

Read an excerpt HERE.

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